Category Archives for "Planning"


Should we re-use graves?

Re-using graves It’s thought that almost of half of England’s cemeteries will run out of space within 20 years. Everything points towards the government beginning to find ways to stop cemeteries becoming overcrowded. But the most obvious and effective way of doing so – re-using graves – doesn’t sit well with many people’s ideas of […]

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Would you want to live longer?

Would you want to live longer? Apparently, the first person to live to 150 has already been born. If you’re over 10, though, this probably won’t be you. In any case, we can all look forward to the security of the great advances research has already made. But would you want to live beyond the […]

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Not-for-profit funerals

Not-for-profit funerals This year (February 2018), the UK’s first not-for-profit funeral home opened in Glasgow. While it’s not everyone’s idea of a radical utopia, we’ve already got housing, childcare and sustainable business cooperatives – what’s to stop us from rallying like-minded people to take care of our funerals? Not to be confused with the well-known […]

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Who can conduct a funeral?

If you have been to be a funeral, it was more than likely conducted by someone. In many cases, this is likely to be a person of religion or a professional celebrant. Do these people know the deceased? What will they say about them? You could always do it yourself? Funerals don’t actually have any […]

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How to organise a wake

For the distanced friend or relative, the wake is probably the best part of the funeral, for the close family member, it’s probably one of the most stressful. Wakes have become synonymous with funerals Europe for hundreds of years. They offer family and friends a place to meet after the service, and particularly after a […]

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