Category Archives for "Funeral"


Coping financially after someone dies

Coping financially after someone dies Coping with financial worries on top of grieving a loved one’s death is difficult. Understanding how to handle money matters after a partner has died, getting together the cash for a funeral, and learning to depend on yourself financially again are all large scale changes. Studies have shown that the […]

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What happens at a natural burial?

What to expect at a natural burial You’ve heard of natural burial – all that fresh air, compostable material and the sense that the person who’s died is getting back, literally, to their roots – and you think it’s a great idea. For some people, though, going to a natural burial won’t be something they’ve […]

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When can I have a funeral?

When can I have a funeral? Funerals typically take place one to two weeks after death, with most funerals happening on a weekday. Funerals can take place much sooner than that, though. Many religions and cultures lay importance on burying loved ones quickly after they’ve died. We know there’s usually never a great time for […]

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Should we re-use graves?

Re-using graves It’s thought that almost of half of England’s cemeteries will run out of space within 20 years. Everything points towards the government beginning to find ways to stop cemeteries becoming overcrowded. But the most obvious and effective way of doing so – re-using graves – doesn’t sit well with many people’s ideas of […]

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