Category Archives for "Planning"


Modern death rituals

Modern death rituals You don’t go to church, but you religiously eat the same cereal every morning. You don’t believe in a higher being, but you find yourself crossing your fingers when you need some good luck on your side. So when it comes to death, does a little ritual help? Here we look at […]

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How is retirement changing?

How is retirement changing? We’re not just living longer, we’re also expected to work for longer. But will the traditional notion of retirement – putting your feet up at a beach in Spain, attending to your allotment and making painfully bad style choices, all the while receiving a steady income from the state – disappear […]

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What is the Tell Us Once service?

What is the Tell Us Once service? After you’ve told family and friends about a close one’s death, you’ll also need to tell the many government departments out there that someone’s died. This might seem like a huge task –  dying doesn’t just mean dealing with leftover tax but also cancelling a driving license or […]

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How does marriage and divorce affect your Will?

How does marriage and divorce affect your Will? Wills shouldn’t have to be hard for those who have a more complicated family setup. Usually, divorcing couples will separate for some time before getting a divorce, and many divorced partners will still want each other to be acknowledged after one partner dies. All of this may […]

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