Options for Ashes
Here’s where you can take a look at the different options for ashes scattering, memorials and keepsakes.
The most traditional option for ashes by far. Cremation ashes are placed in commemorative jars. These days they are readily available (even Amazon sells them) and can be customised in anyway you want. Large, small, grandiose or subtle.
For those that want to go out with a bang. An increasingly popular choice is to celebrate a life with a firework display. Fireworks are made to order with a small amount of the cremated ashes.
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Scattering Ashes page has lots inspiration for how to conduct a great firework ceremony.
Cremated remains can be incorporated into a ‘Memorial Reef’ made form an environmentally-safe concrete cast which are then placed in the sea and are able to create new marine habitats for sea life.
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Scattered from a plane
While it’s probably left best to the professionals, air scattering can spread the ashes over a larger area (if you would rather be spread across a whole postcode than beside your favourite oak tree). Ground viewings can be arranged for friends and family as well as ride-alongs!
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Skydive while scattering the ashes
If an aeroplane scattering isn’t extreme enough for you then jumping out of the plane with them might be the next logical step. After jumping out of the plane, you can scatter the ashes by hand, giving it a more ‘hands-on’ approach.
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Plant your ashes
Urns can be incorporated into a favourite tree or flower. Biodegradable urns which can grow into greenery of choice can be planted indoors or out.
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Check out Bios Urn for the future of plant-based urns
Space Launch
For the adventurer, explorer or someone who wanted to be better than everyone else. For a hefty fee ashes can be launched into the great unknown as part of various space expeditions. Or simply attached to a balloon that floats really, really, really high.
“When men come to like a sea-life, they are not fit to live on land.” Be it out in the great oceans, the proud rivers or the humble canal, scattering ashes from a boat is the only option for some. It can also turn a difficult experience into a much more pleasant one.
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Fired from a Gun
If country living was your bag then perhaps having your ashes shot from your favourite firearm is your preferred method? While no companies offer the service outright, you can get in touch with local shooting communities and make a request.
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A relatively new but very popular method of using ashes. Ashes are “pressed” into a vinyl record featuring anything from a favourite song to a recording of the loved ones voice.
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Diamond pressing
This is similar to the glass pressing process. The carbon from a small amount of ash can be removed and with immense heat, pressure and money, to be formed into a diamond.
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Check out Phoenix Diamonds for some of their take on memorials
Memorial glass
A small amount of cremated ashes can be fused with molten glass and made into a truly bespoke and personal memorial as well as giving that mantlepiece a much-needed spruce-up.
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Ashes into Art
A slow riser in popularity but sentimental none the less. Ashes can be incorporated into paint and used to create a piece. Choosing the artist may be difficult but art is subjective, after all.
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Head to the Ashes to Art gallery for inspiration